Absence/ Appointment Notes:
In the event that your child misses school, parents are to phone the school immediately or write a note to the teacher explaining the reason for the absence upon their child's return to school. After a long or communicable illness or a skin disease, a child must have a note from his/her doctors in order to be admitted through the school office.
Tardiness causes classroom disruption and it is important that parents support our program by bringing or sending their children to school on time. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom by starting time. Tardy students must go to the office to get an "Admit to Class" slip before entering their classroom.
Attend today Achieve Tomorrow
We at Workman Elementary promote attendance campaigns and encourage all students to be at school everyday. School begins promptly at 8:10 a.m. for all TK-5 students.
The month of September, HLPUSD and Workman Elementary will be participating in a nationwide attendance campaign in efforts to improve attendance, as well as raising awareness of the importance of attending school. Each week students will engage in an activity that will promote school attendance. HLPUSD and Workman Elementary will be promoting this campaign through their website, school messenger, and social media.
Types of Absences:
1. Excused: Absence due to illness, medical appointments, or death in the immediate family.
2. Unexcused: Absence that occurs with the knowledge and approval of parents for reasons not classified as excused.
3. Truancy: An intentional and planned violation of state attendance laws, whereby students who are more then 30 minutes late to school are, by law, considered truant and will be given an office referral.
COVID-19 Related Absences
For COVID-19 related absences, our district and school follow the guidelines of LA Public Health for close contacts and positive cases. If you have any questions about sending your child to school, please call our office. Be mindful of quarantine procedures. Please note that guidelines are subject to change as the pandemic continues.
Positive Attendance:
School attendance is mandatory for all students ages 5-18 within the State of California. School districts are funded by the state based on average daily attendance (ADA) of the students enrolled in district schools. The school receives funds only for the days the students are present at school and must account for each day a student is absent and indicate the reason for the absence. No funding will be given to the district for excused absences. Therefore, this makes it extremely important for each student to be in school every day. Students who are ill should stay home, but students needing medical or dental appointments should be at school as much of the day as possible, either before or after the appointment.
Students absent more than 5 consecutive days for unexcused reasons will be checked out of the school. When students return, they will be re-enrolled based upon space available. Parents of students with excessive absences/ tardies will be referred to the School Attendance Review Team (SART) and/or the District School Attendance Review Board (SARB) at the principal's discretion.