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Parent Volunteers

Workman Elementary School invites you to become involved in the school by volunteering. All volunteers working directly with students must fill out an application each year, have current TB test and fingerprints which have been cleared by the HLPUSD Police Department. Parents can also submit an application for a One-Time Volunteer but it must be completed 2 weeks in advance.

When the children see their parents involved in their education, they will be encouraged to put forth their best effort. Applications are available in the school office and by clicking the link below.

Volunteer Application (PDF) For all year. Any event any time. Check with your student's teacher and confirm with the front office.

One Time Volunteer Application

Volunteer Application

Volunteer Application

We offer several opportunities for parents to be involved with our school including: our School Site Council (SSC), English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), and Parent Education Classes and Workshops. If you would like to volunteer at our school, please submit an application to the district and follow the district procedures for volunteers. If you would like to learn more about our school, you can also join us at one of our monthly Coffee with the the Principal meetings to learn more about our school.

Parent Education Workshops

For more information, please call the Dibble Adult School Campus at (626) 933-8305

Para mas informacion, por favor llame al Dibble Adult School Campus at (626) 933-8305 

Click here to register for a Parent Workshop

Click here to learn about Title 1 meetings

Click here to learn more about SSC

Click here to learn more about ELAC and DELAC

Care Solace: Mental Health Care for Students, Families and Staff

Care Solace


File Care Solace- Chaos to Calm.pdf (PDF)

Aeries Parent Portal Set Up

Click here to begin you Aeries Parent Portal set up.

Contact our school office at (626) 933-4201 for information and provide your e-mail address to add to the Contacts record in Aeries.  (Office Manager will select "Yes" in Portal field in Aeries).