Parent and Student Handbook
Home/School Communication
The Workman staff is committed to frequent student-parent-school communication that is essential for our working together as an educational team. Communication between school and home may be done through Parent Square, phone messages, emails, flyers, weekly/monthly classroom newsletters, written notes, School Website, Workman Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the marquee in front of the school, phone calls, parent conferences, and speaking to the principal directly. We encourage every parent to stay in close communication with his/her child’s teacher and the school. You may call the office, leave a note for the teacher, email the teacher, or speak to the teacher afterschool in the dismissal area. Please check with your child’s teacher for the most efficient and best way to communicate with him/her. If you have a question, we are here to help with an answer. Make it a habit to ask for and go over assignments, notes, flyers, homework planner and communications that come home with your child. Workman Elementary School phone number: 626-933-4201
Emergency Card and Data Confirmation
It is imperative that in case of an emergency the parents of the students or an authorized adult be reached. For this reason, every effort should be made to keep the office informed of any changes in address or telephone numbers. The names and telephone numbers of friends, relatives and baby-sitters submitted in AERIES as emergency contacts must be kept current. Students will be released only to these persons. No exceptions. Persons listed must be over 18. We are not able to call and ask the parent for permission if the person is not an emergency contact in AERIES.
Parents can update their students’ emergency card by completing the AERIES “Data Confirmation” through their AERIES Parent Portal. Please note that data confirmation is to be completed for each individual student. Only Aeries PARENT Portal users can complete data confirmation. If you need assistance with this, please contact the front office immediately. Changes can be made through the phone. Office staff will ask questions to verify identity. Only parent/guardian can make changes via the phone. Please note that you may still be asked to complete data confirmation even if the office was notified of changes to the emergency card as data confirmation also allows you to review Mandatory District forms such as the Acceptable Use Policy and District Annual Handbook.
AERIES Parent Portal can be reached via
Field Trips
Field trips are planned to enhance classroom activities and to serve an educational purpose. Parents will be notified of each field trip and permission slips signed and returned before the field trip. The school will determine when and if a student is not able to take part in the field trip due to safety reasons. Parents will be notified in advance and, if necessary, meet with school personnel to develop an action plan. This may grant students the opportunity to be able to participate.
* On occasion, parents may be asked for monetary donations related to expenses. If a donation is not possible, please note that no student will be excluded.
To provide good learning opportunities and to promote educational growth, homework should be:
1. Meaningful to the student
2. Appropriate to the student, class, and subject
3. Reasonable in quantity and quality
4. The responsibility of the student
5. Responsibility of the parent to monitor their child’s homework.
It is important that homework is returned to the class according to the teacher’s homework policy. If homework is not submitted, consequences may occur, and will be reflected in the homework skills section of the report card. A student may lose field trip privileges, participation in other related school activities, assemblies, recess and may be assigned to complete unfinished homework assignments.
Student Safety
Workman Street and Fifth Street become very congested before and after school. For their safety, students are NEVER to cross the street alone. Parents should park their cars and escort their children across the street. If you drive into the parking lot on the north side on Workman Street it is best to drive through and then exit. We ask you to please drop off all children in front of the school or in the North Parking lot.
PASSENGER LOADING AREA: Located on 5th Street. Adults are to stay in their car and not leave their car unattended. Allowed wait time is not to exceed 3 minutes. Vehicles parked in the PASSENGER LOADING AREA and RED assigned areas may receive a parking infraction.
Students may not leave the school grounds during the school day without written permission. Once students arrive at school they may NOT leave the campus. After school students are to go directly home or sign in with the After School Program. If a student is leaving early, District Policy requires that we release a student only to a parent or other adult listed on the Student Emergency Information card. Therefore, students must be cleared through the front office. Parents must come to the office to sign their children out. Office staff will call students to the office. No parents are allowed to go to the classroom during the school day to pick up their child.
Report Cards and Conferences
Report cards are issued three times during the school year for students in grades TK-5. Progress reports for 6th grade students are given every 6 weeks and report cards twice a year. Mandatory parent conferences are scheduled twice; once in the fall and once in the spring. You will receive notification prior to conference dates. Feel free to make an appointment with your child’s teacher at any time throughout the year if you have a question or concern regarding his/her progress. We strongly discourage classroom interruptions during instruction. You may leave a message with the School Office Manager or Office Assistant and they will provide the teacher with your message at recess or lunchtime.
Please read this parent/student handbook with your child and discuss the contents of this handbook. We at Workman Elementary appreciate your support and cooperation. We want all our students to be successful in school and be able to achieve, succeed, and follow their dreams of higher education. Thank you for investing the time in reading and discussing with your child(ren) the contents of this important handbook.
Due to COVID-19, some alterations have been made and we will continue to update families regarding any changes to guarantee the safety of our students, staff and community.
2022-2023 handbooks
File Workman El. Parent and Student Handbook English (PDF)
File Workman El. Parent and Student Handbook Spanish (PDF)
Handbook excerpts
*Please refer to the handbook for more information on each subject.
Feel free to contact our front office with any questions, comments or concerns.
It is extremely important your child attend school everyday. We at Workman Elementary promote attendance campaigns and encourage all students to be at school everyday. School begins promptly at 8:10 a.m. for all TK-6 students. Students arriving late for school must report with an adult to the office for a tardy slip.
School attendance is mandatory for all students ages 5-18 within the State of California. School districts are funded by the state based on average daily attendance (ADA) of the students enrolled in district schools. The school receives funds only for the days the students are present at school and must account for each day a student is absent and indicate the reason for the absence. No funding will be given to the district for any type of absences. Therefore, this makes it extremely important for each student to be in school every day. Students who are ill should stay home, but students needing medical or dental appointments should be at school as much of the day as possible, either before or after the appointment. Afternoon appointments are recommended to avoid missing out on essential instruction.
Students absent more than 5 consecutive days for unexcused reasons will be checked out of the school. When students return, they will be re-enrolled based upon space available. Parents of students with excessive absences/tardies will be referred to the School Attendance Review Team (SART) and/or the District School Attendance Review Board (SARB) at the principal’s discretion.
A return to campus note will be provided to the student. Parents can also fill out this form at drop off to clear absence. The note should list the date(s) and specific reason for absence and be signed by the parent or guardian. Parent written notes are a privilege. The office can ask for personal verification or a doctor’s note if absences are excessive or show a pattern.
After a long or communicable illness or a skin disease, a child must have a note from his/her doctor in order to be admitted back to school. A child is considered truant when he/she is absent from school without a valid excuse for more than three days in one school year. Excessive absences are also criteria for retention in some grades.
In the case of perfect attendance, students must have no absences. Additionally, students must have no more than one tardy or be picked up early more than once a month (that is a total of 10 early pick up times) to receive recognition.
Discipline Plan
All schools are required by law to have a School Wide Discipline Plan. The Workman Elementary Staff promotes a positive discipline plan for all children. In striving to build positive leaders for our future, Workman Elementary Staff will work together with parents/students so all children can learn in a secure, safe, quiet, and positive environment. Positive leadership is based on mutual respect and responsible choices. Workman School implements Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS), and we have a school matrix that states our rules and expectations. Our school wide behaviour expectations are as follows:
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Safe
4. Be Kind
Wolverine Bucks are awarded to students who help others, make good choices, and follow our school behaviour expectations. Students can spend their bucks in our Workman Wolverine Store.
School Rules
An important part of our School Wide Discipline Program is that all children develop a positive attitude toward themselves and school. To accomplish this goal, students in grades TK-6 will be expected to:
· Come to school every day prepared and ready to learn
· Maintain an environment that is safe, healthy, and promotes learning
· Follow directions the first time, and ask questions for clarification
· Follow the Workman Elementary PBIS Matrix and school motto. Wolverines are: Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Kind.
To encourage and acknowledge positive behavior each classroom has a system in place which will be shared with parents at Back-To-School Night. Parents will be notified of the system and the consequences for students who are in violation of our school rules.
Our staff has developed a progressive program that begins with interventions the teacher uses in the classroom. These interventions may include verbal warning, note to parent, phone call to parent, referral to the principal, or a Solutions Focused Team Meeting. The students will receive positive support for appropriate behaviors and consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviors. The severity of the consequence is determined by the frequency and/or seriousness of the inappropriate behaviors.
The school staff will schedule awards assemblies and trips to the Wolverine Store periodically to recognize students with positive behavior.
Possible Consequences to inappropriate student behavior
1. Counselling with student
2. Note to parents and/or phone call
3. Conferencing with parents
4. Loss of extracurricular privileges
5. Community Service
6. Time Out
7. Response to Intervention Committee Meeting (RTI Team)
8. In-House Suspension
9. Suspension:
The school principal has the right to suspend a student for a period of up to five consecutive school days for each offense. In cases of this type, a conference between the principal and his/her designee, the student, and any other appropriate persons will be conducted. After an investigation is conducted, the principal will decide if a suspension is necessary and effective immediately. The principal will attempt to notify parents by telephone before this action is taken. A copy of the suspension notice will be given to the parents or sent with the student.
10. Expulsion:
The school principal has the right and, in some cases, is required to recommend to the district superintendent that a student be expelled (expulsion). In cases of this type, an administrative hearing panel will convene and action will be taken by the board of education. If a student has violated a school rule and is subject to expulsion, both the student and his/her parents will be formally notified. Part of the notification process will include detailed instructions regarding the due process procedures.
Mandatory Uniform Policy
We appreciate exercising good judgement in selecting the mode of dress. School is for learning and should not be used as a fashion platform. Our students are expected to abide by the district and school uniform policy. Our school colors are navy blue, powder blue, and white polo shirts with navy bottoms. Blouses must have sleeves and collars. Clothing must be free of writing, emblems, and logos. No spaghetti straps, halter tops, sleeveless blouses, leggings, scandals, shoes without a back strap, shirts, pants or shorts that expose the midriff, etc. Students who wear clothing with inappropriate slogans or designs, disruptive to the educational environment, will be asked to call home for a change of clothes and a uniform violation letter will be sent home. Overly sized or tight clothing that interferes with a student’s ability to participate in recess and physical education lessons is inappropriate. Parental discretion and monitoring is greatly appreciated.
· Thursday is our official College Day. Students may wear attire reflecting college or university logos.
· Friday is the day in which students may wear the school logo tops.
· Students must wear solid, colored shirts with collars (such as blouses, shirts and polo shirts).
· Students must wear navy blue or blue uniform pants. Navy blue Jeans are acceptable with no rips/torn/holes and designs. BEIGE, BLACK or other colors are NOT allowed.
· Girls may wear navy blue plaid skirts that are knee length.
· Students may wear uniform navy blue shorts that are knee length, but not oversized or baggy.
Studies have shown that dress affects attitude and behavior. Most students wearing uniforms arrive at school with a positive attitude and with the knowledge they are at school to learn.
Note: Student Dress and Grooming Standards (Rules and Guidelines) are presented in detail in the Superintendent’s yearly district handbook which students receive on the first day of school. All waivers must be signed before the first day of school. Waivers will be granted based on the district guidelines as stated in the district handbook.
The school has a right to revoke the waiver if the student violates the dress code for students with a waiver.
Psychological Services
The responsibility of guidance for the students is shared by every member of the staff. To assist the staff, the school psychologist is assigned to the school to test and/or consult.
Rainy Day
Morning Arrival: When students arrive on campus on a rainy day students are to report to the cafeteria. Students in grades 4-6 will be directed to wait outside the cafeteria by rooms 9 and 10 with supervision.
Afternoon Dismissal: Parents with students in grades TK-3 will be able go directly to their child’s classroom for dismissal. All other students in grades 4-6 will come to the cafeteria for dismissal. Please adhere to all traffic regulations daily for our student’s safety. Park in designated areas ONLY and do not block driveways.
Due to COVID-19, procedures and guidelines in classroom dismissal may be altered to ensure the safety of students, staff, and the community.
Textbooks will be issued by the teachers. Students are responsible for the care of textbooks assigned to them. Lost or stolen texts and books that show excessive wear and/or damage are charged to the student and parents. Students are required to keep all texts covered if being used at home. Heavy wrapping paper or any commercial cover is adequate. No writing is permitted by students on book covers. Teachers will check periodically on textbooks for their ownership and condition. A student must turn in the same text that was issued to him/her.
Please notify the school as soon as possible if you will be moving. The office staff will assist you and complete the necessary transfer papers for the new school.
hlpusd vision statement
The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District is a community committed to developing lifelong learners who value themselves and the diversity of all people; apply decision-making skills leading to responsible actions; and use creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving in meeting the challenges of a changing society.
hacienda la puente unified school district board of education goals
1 All students in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District will succeed in meeting high
standards and achieving at high academic levels.
2 The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District will provide a supportive and innovative
learning environment rich in the visual and performing arts and a challenging course of
study to meet the unique needs of every student.
3 The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District will attract and retain quality personnel who
demonstrate strong, positive leadership that promotes a culture of collaboration and
teamwork and creates an environment in which all stakeholders feel respected, valued and
are dedicated to every student’s success.
4 The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District will efficiently expend and effectively
maximize all resources to fulfill educational priorities, while sustaining and maintaining
long-term financial stability.
5 The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District will provide its students and employees
with safe, orderly and clean schools and district sites.
6 The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District will continue to develop, sustain, recognize
and promote programs of excellence and strong partnerships with parents and the community
which result in high levels of success for all students.
Parent Volunteers
Workman Elementary School invites you to become involved in the school by volunteering. All volunteers working directly with students must fill out an application each year; have a current TB test and fingerprints which have been cleared by the HLPUSD Police Department. Parents can also submit an application for a One-Time Volunteer but must be completed 2 weeks in advance. The One-Time Volunteer is only valid for one event. When the children see their parents involved in their education, they will be encouraged to put forth their best effort. Applications are available in the school office.
Due to COVID-19, procedures and guidelines for volunteers may be altered to ensure the safety of students, staff, and the community. Please check with Principal to confirm that parents are allowed on campus and which protocols and procedures are in effect at the time.
Each class is scheduled to use the library once each week. A book can be checked out for one or two weeks at a time. However, it may be renewed for an additional week. If a book is lost or damaged, the student will be denied the privilege of checking out any other book from the library until the book is either paid or found. Parents/students must sign a permission slip which states they are responsible for lost or damaged books.
Lost and Found
In order to avoid losing clothing articles, please label sweaters, coats and jackets, etc. Lost jackets and sweaters may be found at the back of the cafeteria. Any other items found are to be turned in to the office. We encourage parents to follow up on their children’s lost articles. At the end of each trimester, items not recovered will be disposed of or donated to a local homeless shelter or Salvation Army drop off center.
Special arrangements must be made in advance with the school office when it is necessary to administer medication at school. The district requires specific forms to be completed by the doctor, who must provide explicit instructions. This authorization must be renewed on a yearly basis. All medication should be clearly labelled and will be kept locked in the office where distribution can be supervised by office personnel. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CARRY ANY MEDICATION AT SCHOOL, including, but not limited to, inhalers, Tylenol, cough drops, liquid medicine, and other types of medication.
A district school nurse is assigned to our school once a week. The school does not have a school nurse on a daily basis. A district nurse is always available for emergencies. A district nurse can be called in case of an emergency. Hearing and vision assessments are given to all kindergarten and third grade students.
Classroom birthday celebrations/parties will not be permitted. Parents will not be allowed to bring cakes, cupcakes, flowers, and balloons. You may send goodie bags which do not contain food items. California Law prohibits any homemade food. Make arrangements with the teacher ahead of time for passing out any goodie bags or other appropriate items.
No cell phones or electronic devices will be allowed at school. No cell phones are permitted at school. If your child needs to contact you, they may come to the office and use the telephone. We have the right to confiscate cell phones and upon our discretion we will return the cell phone or device after speaking with the parent. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones and/or electronic devices. If a student brings a cell phone or device more than once it will be returned to the student at the end of the school year.
Students may not bring any type of markers to school. Permanent, water base, marker sets, gel pens, etc. are not necessary.
Children are not allowed to bring trading cards, all types of balls, toys, stuffed animals, Game boys, digital cameras, etc. The toys will be taken from them, and you will need to pick them up in the office. We are not responsible for lost or damaged articles no matter what the circumstances are.
Students may bring water bottles to school. Please do not fill them with juice, soda or other drinks. No other types of drinks are permitted, especially energy drinks.